


作者:管理员    发布于:2015-08-14 08:43:59    文字:【】【】【

    Stainless steel relief how to make? The company told us relief Jinlan grass:

    Stainless steel relief.

    First grinding wheel sheet for the production welds and superfluous polished, and then use soft round throw of, polishing works coated with polishing paste increases lubrication, make work thrown out more bright, in order to give people a good visual sense of beauty.

    A large stainless steel relief, without welding, according to the ratio of the body works do reinforced skeleton, with a drill hole in the designed position drilling, the stainless steel plate with a rivet is fixed on the framework can be.

    Stainless steel relief and not on the mold beat it into shape. But according to the different shape of gypsum model each parts to cutting down under and in accordance with its ups and downs, consciously knock, local clinch the curved, the edge of the knock edge.

    In any tangible solid objects to beat, then knocked at the stainless steel plate to get die up more that the form correctly and completely and model, then these scattered stainless steel plate from top to pieces welded together, each received a must to carry on the adjustment of the mould, each stainless steel plate surface texture effects are to remain the same, which shall be in form and wrought up, you can also put some exercise is good for unloading.

    Forging hammer head uniformly regular row row of forging, width of the distance, size of the force must be consistent, do not casually knock, otherwise it will undermine the sense of relief as a whole, body forging is correct, according to the work requirements of the welded them together.

    Due to the high degree of light produced by welding, the eyes have strong stimulation, so wear a good protective cover, to avoid being bright light. Welding with welding, welding in stainless steel, commonly used tungsten argon arc welding, can get good welding quality. But it is not easy to heat, so the deformation of stainless steel.





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