


作者:管理员    发布于:2015-08-14 08:33:31    文字:【】【】【


    Stainless steel relief has the characteristics of resistance to air, steam, acid and alkali resistance, corrosion resistance, stainless steel materials produced by most of the relief work is simple and easy, the shape is more obvious, and the effect of light and shade is strong. Its production process smooth surface treatment and careful details for people with a very strong visual impact shock.


    With the emergence of stainless steel, the love of stainless steel relief is constantly rising, and now many cities will choose stainless steel relief, in the process of stainless steel relief design, generally need to meet certain requirements.


    First is to express the theme of the stainless steel relief, theme is the theme of the landscape, which is the overall relief design of a train of thought, such as a positive sense of learning concept relief, when the theme of the Kong Zi teaching, children attend design stainless steel relief, which is one of the major design elements.


    Then is the environment, is to make stainless steel relief to coordinate with the surrounding environment, to integrate the reference material, the city's historical style, the surrounding buildings and so on, stand in this environment can show the local, enterprise, urban, collocation environment is a major element of stainless steel relief design. Is absolutely stainless steel relief needs to have the creative, some relief you tired of watching, there is no freshness, a new feeling of stainless steel relief will let us treasure, let your eyes bright.


    Stainless steel relief whether it is the theme, the environment or innovation, are meeting the requirements to meet the requirements, to ensure that you can love stainless steel relief, to bring beauty to everyone's enjoyment, so that we are full of hope for the future.






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 工厂地址:郑州中国。郑州市 科学大道与淮阳路交汇北500米路东。


版权所有:河南金兰园林景观工程有限公司;   咨询预约热线:0371--56759299,手机(微信):15978409299,官方网址:http://www.diao-su.net

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