


作者:管理员    发布于:2015-07-31 10:49:22    文字:【】【】【
摘要:瓷器一直是收藏界的宠儿,不管是高古瓷,青瓷、白瓷、黄瓷、蓝瓷、绿瓷等单一色泽釉色的瓷器,还是官,哥,汝,定,均五大宋窑,明清瓷器等等,都一直是藏家追寻热门。 中国是瓷器的故乡,瓷器是汉族劳动人民的一个重要的创造。瓷器的发明是汉民族对世界文明的伟大贡献,在英文中“瓷器(china)&rd…



    Porcelain has been the darling of collectors, whether it is a high porcelain, celadon, white porcelain, yellow porcelain, blue, green and so on a single color glaze porcelain, or officer, brother, thou, and all five kilns in the Song Dynasty, the Ming and Qing Dynasties, porcelain, etc., has been collectors pursue hot.


    China is the hometown of porcelain, porcelain is an important creation of the Han Chinese people. The invention of China is a great contribution to the world civilization, in which the Chinese (China) and the Chinese (China) are the same.


    Around sixteenth Century BC in the Shang Dynasty, China appeared in the early porcelain. Because the whether in the matrix or in the glaze layer on the burning process are still appear rough, firing temperature is low, show primitive and the transition, so generally it is called "the original porcelain".


    China porcelain is from the evolution of the development of pottery, the original porcelain originated in more than 3000 years ago. To the Song Dynasty, the famous porcelain kilns have been over half Chinese, is the most prosperous period of porcelain. At the time of the kiln, kiln, kiln, kiln and the kiln and calls for the five famous kilns in the Song Dynasty, when compared with a well-known and kiln and kiln.


    Known as the porcelain capital of Jiangxi Jingdezhen in the Yuan Dynasty blue and white porcelain production has become the representative of china. Blue and white porcelain enamel transparent water, carcass quality thin light, white porcelain body enough to blue designs, fresh and elegant, full of vitality. Once the blue and white porcelain has become fashionable for a time, become the Jingdezhen traditional porcelain crown. Together with the blue and white porcelain and four Mingci exquisite blue and white porcelain, enamel and porcelain color.


    In addition, there are sculptures of porcelain, thin porcelain, colorful porcelain, etc., are very fine and very unique.






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