


玻璃钢浮雕 的表现方法
作者:管理员    发布于:2015-07-05 16:12:32    文字:【】【】【

    The glass steel relief is the product of the combination of sculpture and painting, using the method of compression to deal with the object, such as X-ray and other factors to the performance of three-dimensional space, and only one side or two sides to watch. Below we look at the glass steel relief what are the performance method.

    Glass steel relief

    The assumption of a solid space has three axes; X axis, Y axis and Z axis, where the X axis is the vertical axis, the Y axis is horizontal axis, the Z axis is the depth axis. In the relief, to keep the X axis and the Y axis, while the compression of the Z axis and all of the above compression on a plane can be.

    How in X, Y axis invariant case, careful to release good, again in the farthest from you the coated a layer of dust, again at the nearest point painted on the third floor of the alluvial soil, if you are doing almost Yuandiao relief is so. Just don't forget to always narrow the ratio of the Z axis.

    Use illusion

    This method is often used in many levels, some of the composition of the complex, often high, medium and low relief in the performance of the same time and use. Foreground figures using coated relief method is the most common, over the scene, more and more peaceful, until the background to slightly describe up can. Here appears to define the symbol is to be clear.

    A, high relief that is likely to come back to the object of the object.

    B, B, in the relief to be compressed to 1/2 Z axis.

    C, C, light relief generally may be reduced to 1/10.

    The use of the difference between the thickness, is the use of human visual illusion when necessary to the back of the object to push to the front, and even in a plane.

    The outline of a play

    Refers to the outer contour and background junction at around contour and background vertical site called up. During the observation learning other people's relief work, to pay special attention to, pay attention to these connections is how to deal with embossed on the side to observe an artist should be how to deal with the small changes, is how to make the distance of the eye just from the eyebrow pencil exposed.

    This technology is very important in the relief, it can be the main body and the background of the distance, so that the relief has a three-dimensional sense, and show more levels.





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