


玻璃钢浮雕 如何制作
作者:管理员    发布于:2015-05-18 10:41:29    文字:【】【】【




    Many of us know glass steel this large, also know a lot of relief is made of glass steel, but glass embossed steel do? A lot of people do not know.


    When the glass and steel sculpture in the production, a key problem is the mold making. Mold making can use silicone rubber and glass steel mold. Silicone rubber before use for fluid flow and good filling state. Used as glass steel mold surface layer, high quality copy works shape, but also the smooth demoulding. Although crosslinked silicone rubber is easy to deform, but need to support carrier. Is generally used as the carrier of glass steel mould.


    From one end to a paste made of combination products. A part of curing and then combined mold continue to paste. A combination unit blocks as much as possible. At the end of a block, block pre forming glue received overall relief.


    Relief in similar in animal's horn leg end and so difficult to produce the parts available corresponding metal materials of general shape and dressing by sanding. The relief surface is more complex, should be special treatment. Glass steel is difficult to lay at first filled with resin, then laying glass fiber and cloth. The surface layer of resin putty length to 10 mm is appropriate, molding production, metal skeleton buried in sculpture. To improve the stiffness and strength of the sculpture, increase the service life, the metal frame.


    The last is the glass steel products of local defects relief dressing, pay attention to making the surface effect. The commonly used surface is imitation copper and bronze imitation. Glass and steel sculpture, beautiful shape, bright color lines. Can be made of imitation gold, copper, stone, a variety of effects, showing a clear sense of the times. Glass steel sculpture works well to design, model, molding, processing into account, ensure that all aspects of quality can be achieved.


    Henan Jinlan grass embossed company comply with era development, focus on relief decoration industry, for many years in the field of landscape relief services, with a large number of technology exquisite sculpture artist and years of relief decoration and design experience, for large projects to control ability is just right, the completion of the relief of a large number of all the cities and counties of image engineering, loved by local leaders and the owners.




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 工厂地址:郑州中国。郑州市 科学大道与淮阳路交汇北500米路东。


版权所有:河南金兰园林景观工程有限公司;   咨询预约热线:0371--56759299,手机(微信):15978409299,官方网址:http://www.diao-su.net

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