


作者:管理员    发布于:2015-05-09 10:59:08    文字:【】【】【


    The artificial sandstone art crafts is a kind of non radioactive harm to the human body, no radiation, no light pollution and high quality synthetic stone. Now it has become a high taste, high fashion for the home decor. It not only looks beautiful and fashion, but also artificial sandstone moistureproof, sound absorption, decay, absorption, anti-skid, tasteless, no fading, no radiation, warm and elegant, no deformation, no cracking, warm in winter and cool in summer, do not fade.


    Artificial sandstone reported: to improve the life level now, artificial sandstone I believe the majority of friends are the family decoration in fashion, personality, art, now many families decoration style, now the majority of friends respect for nature, the pursuit of natural living culture, artificial sandstone sandstone and recommended soft color texture elegant design a natural or artificial sandstone, the plain of the original ecological landscape tinged with delicate connotation and artistic beauty, three-dimensional relief pattern and color allocation changes, artificial sandstone texture of the sandstone connotation and art show exhaustive.



    A means of antique wall body TV background wall texture rough sandstone inlaid in the living room, can sound, can foil metal appliances, in contrast, has a very modern sense, and reveals a personalized cultural charm and natural flavor, called sandstone is the solidification of music, not only give you a visual pleasure, tendency can reflect the personality and taste of the owner.


    Artificial art sandstone is synthetic material, through a combination of traditional craftsmanship and modern technology, artificial sandstone can still create a backdrop for family series, embossed decoration series, home furnishings series and many other styles. You know? The artificial sandstone sandstone has low water absorption rate, acid resistant, not easy weathering, good sound-absorbing effect, strong decorative sandstone, such as hollow carved trim or porch with sandstone puzzle wall decoration is now more popular, many designers are applying it to the background sofa, TV background wall decoration.


    Having said that I believe we all understand. If you need to know more about the artificial sandstone more high-quality artificial sandstone dynamic, log on to the official website for relief Gold Orchid grass.





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